The Savvy Coeliac Program

A 3-month 1:1 coeliac disease management program designed to help you improve energy levels, restore gut health and build confidence in choosing gluten free foods to enjoy everyday.

What if your coeliac disease journey was one of ease, enjoyment and excitement?

All without spending countless hours scrolling the internet for support on how to get there.

Somehow, I’ve got a feeling that’s EXACTLY what brought you here.


✔️Let go of feelings of doubt & confusion

✔️Rely on evidence-based nutrition advice to help guide your decisions when it comes to living gluten free

✔️Fastrack your ability to live gluten free with ease & confidence

✔️Enjoy life as a person with coeliac disease

✔️Feel excited about the idea of doings things you thought were only possible pre-coeliac diagnosis

You’re ready to put YOUR HEALTH as a PRIORITY and not just accept this diagnosis as your new way of life.

Wondering what it takes to make these aspirations a reality?

A step-by-step framework that takes you from coeliac newbie to being your own coeliac expert over 12 short weeks.


You’ve tried it on your OWN before but still seem to find yourself feeling overwhelmed, confused, disappointed, alone, worried or even depressed about everything this damn condition has brought to your once care free life.

I know you can find a gluten free recipe at your fingertips, google if a product is gluten free and even find a gluten free option on a menu.. BUT

Can you live gluten free with confidence? Day in day out for the rest of your life with coeliac disease?

Just like the rapid influx of gluten free products on the market, so too is the growing area of research into the condition. National guidance and food legislation can change based on this research and keeping up to date with what’s best for YOUR HEALTH, I imagine would be important too, right?

Doing it on your own is tiring – you’ve got enough to do in reframing the huge lifestyle component that is eating. It forms such a big part of our daily existence, and without it we wouldn’t survive. Yet so little emphasis is put on supporting people who are medically required to follow a gluten free diet.

By joining the Savvy Coeliac Program you will:

✔️Be supported in overcoming any mindset barriers to living a better life gluten free;

✔️Build on your coeliac disease foundations;

✔️Learn how to read food labels with confidence;

✔️Discover how to safely consume gluten free food by understanding where the real risk lies when it comes to cross contamination;

✔️Find out how it’s possible to explore the world beyond your own kitchen and bring back eating out and travelling on a gluten free diet;

✔️Be guided on ways to optimise your gluten free diet;

✔️Learn new ways to prepare and plan healthy gluten free meals and snacks

✔️Be given the tools on how to monitor your condition and troubleshoot any problems that may arise.



The Intensive 1:1 60-minute Consultation

This service is for you if you feel you have the gluten free diet well under control however you may be experiencing ongoing gut issues.

Wasn’t going gluten free supposed to say goodbye to uncomfortable symptoms? Are you one of the 20-50% of people with coeliac disease, who continue to experience symptoms despite consuming a long-term gluten free diet?

In a very small fraction of people with unresolving symptoms (0.3%), the lining of the gut fails to heal, despite a gluten free diet, which requires further medical investigation and management. This is known as Refractory Coeliac Disease (RCD).


In the majority of people with ongoing gut symptoms, the lining of the small bowel is actually normal and symptoms are commonly associated with:

✔️Inadvertent / accidental gluten exposure

✔️Other concomitant gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

✔️Lactose intolerance

In a small percentage of coeliacs other potential causes for ongoing symptoms include:

✔️Microscopic colitis

✔️Pancreatic insufficiency

✔️Other gastrointestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease or infection

✔️Large bowel cancer

✔️Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

If you are experiencing ongoing symptoms, it is strongly recommended that you work with an experienced Dietitian to help you get to the root of your problem.

This service is ALSO for you if you want to explore another topic within the coeliac space in much more detail. For example:

✔️Managing Type 1 diabetes on a gluten free diet

✔️Fertility and coeliac disease

✔️Optimising sporting performance on a gluten free diet

✔️Weight management on a gluten free diet

And the list goes on! This can either be an add on to the ‘Savvy Coeliac Program’ or a stand-alone session/s.

1 hour at $180.00
book here →


